About Elizabeth

“I look for the extraordinary in the mundane, which I believe is the artist’s job.”

Elizabeth grew up in a home where art and music were part of daily life. Coming from a long line of artists and sculptors, the walls of her family home were more like an art gallery than a typical prairie home. Elizabeth yearned from an early age to become an artist like her forebears, and studied art briefly at Brigham Young University. However, due to life’s pressures, Elizabeth chose to work as a drafter for many years before rediscovering her long, lost passion for art.  When she was urged by a friend to draw a portrait of a celebrity, the floodgates opened, and Elizabeth began drawing in every spare moment. Within three months she was receiving requests to purchase her work.  Soon Elizabeth began experimenting with paint, and today most of her work is done in acrylic.

She began branching out from portraiture, and her paintings present her subjects in loving detail, using bold contrast and colour to enhance reality while evoking a sense of nostalgia and the peace found in nature. Her subjects often include children, animals and landscape, capturing sentimental moments in time, often with just a hint of whimsy.  Her motivation is to transport the viewer to a certain time and place, and to make them a participant in the scene. Her artworks are distinctive for their perfect finish and attention to detail, which bears witness to her insistence on craftsmanship and the influence of her drafting career. 

Elizabeth has exhibited her work in several notable Calgary art shows and has received a number of awards for her work. She continues to nurture her skills through education and daily practice, dividing her time between commissions, creative idea development, and skill building projects. Elizabeth also enjoys working with children, helping them to get in touch with their creative sides by putting their ideas on paper.

Elizabeth is married with three grown sons and four grandchildren.